Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010


To Create A good district as a good tourism destination depends on the how interesting the objects of tourisms in that district. Therefore all the tourism potencies and supporting facilities in that district must be managed professionally in order to give good image for the tourists.

The Followings are Some Tourism Objects In Lembata Regency:
A. Culture Tourism

1. Whale Hunting Tradition In Lamalera

Location : Lamalera Village, Wulandoni Sub District. It Is About 47 Km From The Capital of Regency Lewoleba.
Kind Of Objects : Culture Tourism
Description : Traditional Whale Hunting Attraction is an attraction in which people in Lamalera hunt the whale by using traditional tools such as: Pledang (Traditional Boat Without Machine) and Tempuling (a sharpen iron which is used to catch the whale). This Tradition Is called Leva Nuang by the local people. It is conducted from the 1St of May until 31 October Every Year. They start to prepare the ritual or the ceremony in April 29 by conducting a ritual which is called Tobu Neme Vate (a ritual among some fishermen which is conducted in the whale stone). On the 1st of May Local People Conduct a Prayer before they start to hunt the whale.
Development Status : It Is Very Potential to develop
Point Of Interesting: Traditional Whale hunting with all the ritual and ceremonies. The tourist can also enjoy the beautiful panoramas of Lamalera Beach.
Accessibility : Can be reached from Lewoleba City by using a rental car or public transportation. It is about 3 hours to get there. The condition of road is good enough.
Problems : There are still many lacks of supporting facilities such as: tools of transportation, hotel and restaurants, Tourism Objects Management and The Participation of Local People.

2. Culture Village of Lusilame :

Location : Lusilame Village, Atadei Sub District. It Is About 46 Km From The Capital of Regency Lewoleba.
Kind Of Objects : Culture Tourism
Description : Lusilame Village has an interesting culture attraction that is still exist until now. This kind of attraction usually conducted when local people start to open a new farm or starting to plant the harvest. Local People Also Conduct Harvest Party Ritual which is called rigum kelu’ok. In This Ritual they present some kinds of food for their god and goddess which is called: Peni and Laba. They Believe That Peni and Laba are the god and goddess of Corn and Rice. In This Ritual They Also Conduct: Some Attractions Like Traditional Boxing Which is called Hadok, and Dua Bolo Dance
Development Status : It Is Very Potential to develop
Point Of Interesting: Various Kinds of Culture Attractions such as culture ritual, dances and traditional sport.
Accessibility : Can be reached from Lewoleba City by using a rental car or public transportation. It is about 2 hours to get there. The condition of road is good enough.
Problems : There are still many lacks of supporting facilities such as: tools of transportation, hotel and restaurants, Tourism Objects Management and The Participation of Local People.

3. Old Village Of Lamagute

Location : Lamagute Village is located in, Ile Ape Sub district. It Is About 26 Km From Lewoleba The Capital of Lembata Regency.
Kind Of Objects : Culture Tourism
Description : In Lamagute Village People can find some traditional houses of local people which is used to conduct some rituals or ceremonies in which every ritual or ceremony has ceremonial tools such as: elephant torn and murmur stone. People in this village always conduct bean party which takes place in all the traditional houses. Bean party is conduct to thank god for the good harvest especially bean harvest.
Development Status : It Is Very Potential to develop
Point Of Interesting: Various Kinds of Culture Attractions such as culture ritual, and dances.
Accessibility : Can be reached from Lewoleba City by using a rental car or public transportation. It is about 2 hours to get there. The condition of road is good enough.
Problems : There are still many lacks of supporting facilities such as: tools of transportation, hotel and restaurants, Tourism Objects Management and The Participation of Local People.

4. Barter Market of Labala

Location : Labala Village is located in Wulandoni Sub district. It Is About 47 Km From Lewoleba, The Capital of Lembata Regency.
Kind Of Objects : Culture Tourism`
Description : Barter market is a kind of traditional market I which the process of buying and selling still using traditional system which is called Barter, or they don’t use money as the tools of payment. The Activity of Barter market in Labala starts at 10.00 O’clock a.m... It is started by the sound of Buri (Whistle) which is sounded by a people called Mandor (The Head of Market). His function is to monitor market activity.
Development Status : It Is Very Potential to develop
Point Of Interesting: Tradition of Barter Market is an interesting thing for tourists to see, because it is a very old system of market.
Accessibility : Can be reached from Lewoleba City by using a rental car or public transportation. It is about 2 hours to get there. The condition of road is good enough.
Problems : There are still many lacks of supporting facilities such as: tools of transportation, hotel and restaurants, Tourism Objects Management and The Participation of Local People.

B. Natural Tourism

1. Pedan Beach

Location : Pedan Beach is located in Ile Ape Sub district. It Is About 13 Km
From Lewoleba, the Capital city of Lembata Regency
Kind of Objects : Beach Tourism
Description : This beach has beautiful white sand, with thousands of mangroves around the beach. The tourists can enjoy the beautiful panorama in the beach and play in the wide area of the beach.
Development Status: It Is Very potential to develop
Point Of Interesting: This beach has beautiful white sand, with thousands of mangroves around the beach and beautiful view of the clean sea blue water
Accessibility : Can be reached from Lewoleba City by using a rental car or public transportation. It is about 60 Minutes to get there. The condition of road is good enough.
Problems : There are still many lacks of supporting facilities such as: tools of transportation, hotel and restaurants, Tourism Objects Management and The Participation of Local People.

2. Waijarang Beach

Location : Waijarang Beach is located in Nubatukan sub district. It Is About 10 Km From Lewoleba, the Capital city of Lembata Regency
Kind of Objects : Beach Tourism
Description : This beach has beautiful white sand and beautiful panorama of green hills. The tourists can enjoy the beautiful panorama in the beach and play water ski, swimming, camping, beach volley and hiking.
Development Status: It Is Very potential to develop
Point Of Interesting: This beach has beautiful white sand beautiful panorama of green hills
Accessibility : Can be reached from Lewoleba City by using a rental car or public transportation. It is about 15-20 Minutes to get there. The condition of road is very good.
Problems : There are still many lacks of supporting facilities such as: tools of transportation, hotel and restaurants, Tourism Objects Management and The Participation of Local People.

3. Ecotourism of Ohe Beach
Location : Ohe Beach is located in Ile Ape sub district. It Is About 13 Km
From Lewoleba, the Capital city of Lembata Regency
Kind of Objects : Beach Tourism
Description : This beach has beautiful white sand, with thousands of mangroves around the beach and beautiful view of the clean sea blue water. The tourists can enjoy the beautiful panorama in the beach and play water ski, swimming, camping, and traditional arts such as: traditional dance and singing performed by local people.
Development Status: It Is Very potential to develop
Point Of Interesting: This beach has beautiful white sand, and people can see an old well and the big whale bones in this beach.
Accessibility : Can be reached from Lewoleba City by using a rental car or public transportation. It is about 20-25 Minutes to get there. The condition of road is very good.
Problems : There are still many lacks of supporting facilities such as: tools of transportation, hotel and restaurants, Tourism Objects Management and The Participation of Local People.

4. Mingar Beach

Location : Mingar Beach is located in Nagawutung sub district. It Is About 36 Km From Lewoleba, the Capital city of Lembata Regency
Kind of Objects : Beach Tourism
Description : This beach has beautiful white sand, with thousands of mangroves around the beach and beautiful view of the clean sea blue water. The tourists can enjoy the beautiful panorama in the beach and play water ski, swimming, camping, and surfing
Development Status: It Is Very potential to develop
Point Of Interesting: This beach has beautiful white sand, and beautiful waves. In certain month especially when the fully moon, people in this village always make ceremony to get Nale a kind of beach worm that can be eaten.
Accessibility : Can be reached from Lewoleba City by using a rental car or public transportation. It is about 2 hours to get there. The condition of road is good enough.
Problems : There are still many lacks of supporting facilities such as: tools of transportation, hotel and restaurants, Tourism Objects Management and The Participation of Local People.

5. Lewolein Beach

Location : Lewolein Beach is located in Lebatukan sub district. It Is About 27 Km From Lewoleba, the Capital city of Lembata Regency
Kind of Objects : Beach Tourism
Description : This beach has beautiful white sand, and beautiful view of the clean sea blue water. The tourists can enjoy the beautiful panorama in the beach and play water ski, swimming, camping. People also can enjoy the sunset from the top of Ile Ape Mount. Development Status: It Is Very potential to develop
Point Of Interesting: This beach has beautiful white sand, and people can see the sunset from the top of Ile Ape Mount.
Accessibility : Can be reached from Lewoleba City by using a rental car or public transportation. It is about 1 hour to get there. The condition of road is good enough.
Problems : There are still many lacks of supporting facilities such as: tools of transportation, hotel and restaurants, Tourism Objects Management and The Participation of Local People.

6. Bean Beach
Location : Bean Beach is located in Buyasuri sub district. It is About 82 Km from Lewoleba, the Capital city of Lembata Regency
Kind of Objects : Beach Tourism
Description : This beach has beautiful white sand, and waves with 4-5 meters of height which is very good for swimming, and surfing.
Development Status: It Is Very potential to develop
Point Of Interesting: This beach has beautiful white sand, and beautiful high waves
Accessibility : Can be reached from Lewoleba City by using a rental car or public transportation. It is about 2 hours to get there. The condition of road is good enough
Problems : There are still many lacks of supporting facilities such as: tools of transportation, hotel and restaurants, Tourism Objects Management and The Participation of Local People.

7. Lodowawo Waterfall
Location : Lodowawo Waterfall is located in Nagawutung sub district. It is About 42 Km from Lewoleba, the Capital city of Lembata Regency
Kind of Objects : Water Tourism
Description : Lodowawo Waterfall has a beautiful natural panorama, fresh air and comfortable environment, with the height of hill about: 30 meters. People can see the beautiful falling water from the hill.
Development Status: It Is Very potential to develop
Point Of Interesting: beautiful natural panorama, fresh air and comfortable environment, with the height of hill about: 30 meters
Accessibility : Can be reached from Lewoleba City by using a rental car or public transportation. It is about 2 hours to get there. The condition of road is good enough
Problems : There are still many lacks of supporting facilities such as: tools of transportation, hotel and restaurants, Tourism Objects Management and The Participation of Local People.

8. Natural Gas Resources of Karun
Location : Natural Gas Resources of Karun is located in Atadei sub district. It is About 43 Km from Lewoleba, the Capital city of Lembata Regency
Kind of Objects : Natural Tourism
Description : Majority of this area is volcanic area therefore natural gasses coming up from the ground and has very big power. The unique of this area is: this area is used by local people as natural kitchens. They make small holes around the location and put some kinds of harvest like, young corn, peanut, and others, into the holes and not so long time those foods can be eaten with very good smells and taste.
Development Status: It Is Very potential to develop
Point Of Interesting: natural gasses coming up from the ground and has very big power
Accessibility : Can be reached from Lewoleba City by using a rental car or public transportation. It is about 2 hours to get there. The condition of road is good enough
Problems : There are still many lacks of supporting facilities such as: tools of transportation, hotel and restaurants, Tourism Objects Management and The Participation of Local People.
9. Volcano Mount of Ile Ape
Location : Volcano Mount of Ile Ape is located on Ile Ape Sub District. It is About 15 Km from Lewoleba, the Capital city of Lembata Regency
Kind of Objects : Mountain Tourism
Description : Ile Ape Mount is a kind of active volcano in Lembata. It has a beautiful panorama from the top of mountain. It is very good for the person who likes adventure tourism.
Development Status: It Is Very potential to develop
Point Of Interesting: beautiful natural panorama, fresh air and comfortable environment. It is very good for people who like adventure tourism.
Accessibility : Can be reached from Lewoleba City by using a rental car or public transportation. It is about 30-40 Minutes to get there. The condition of road is good enough
Problems : There are still many lacks of supporting facilities such as: tools of transportation, hotel and restaurants, Tourism Objects Management and The Participation of Local People.

10. Hot Water Resources of Sabutobo

Location : Hot Water Resources of Sabutobo is located In Ile Boli Village of Nagawutung sub district. It is About 20 Km from Lewoleba, the Capital city of Lembata Regency
Kind of Objects : Water Tourism
Description : In this location there is a tropical rain forest, where the clean water of Sabu Tobo River spread out. About 200 meters in the left side of road people can find hot water resources.
Development Status: It Is Very potential to develop
Point Of Interesting: beautiful natural panorama, fresh air and comfortable environment. The hot water resources can be drunk directly.
Accessibility : Can be reached from Lewoleba City by using a rental car or public transportation. It is about 1 or 2 hours to get there. The condition of road is good enough
Problems : There are still many lacks of supporting facilities such as: tools of transportation, hotel and restaurants, Tourism Objects Management and The Participation of Local People.

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

Wisata Rohani Semana Santa-di Kota Reinha Larantuka

Larantuka telah mendunia. Berkat wisata rohani Semana Santa-nya, Larantuka mampu menerobos sekat dan mampu menggerakan semua orang untuk ‘menyepi’ guna melihat seluruh kehidupan seberapa jauh mengikuti Yesus, Sang Penebus dosa umat manusia. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana potret Semana Santa tahun ini, berikut catatan perjalanan dari Kota Reinha.

Langit cerah saat KMP Namparnos dari Kalabahi yang kami tumpangi merapat di Pelabuhan Waibalun Jumat pagi (2/4/10) lalu. Suasana pelabuhan dan Kota Larantuka atau yang biasa disebut dengan Kota Reinha atau Tanah Nagi Nampak dipadai penduduk. Walaupun banyak peziarah yang datang ke kota itu, Larantuka tetap sunyi senyap. Tak ada bunyi musik atau klakson kendaraan. Kota Larantuka saat itu menjadi kota yang sedang berkabung, sunyi senyap, tenang, jauh dari hingar binger karena umat dan peziarah umumnya sedang konsentrasi pada kesucian batin dan kebersihan hidup. Mayoritas penduduk dan peziarah yang datang ke kota ini berpakaian hitam-hitam sebagai tanda bahwa mereka sedang berduka cita atas wafatnya Tuhan Yesus Kristus atau wafatnya Nabi Isa Almasih. Sementara di sepanjang pesisir pantai dan pelabuhan ikan terlihat puluhan hingga ratusan kapal kecil maupun besar sedang antri untuk mengangkut para peziarah menuju Wure, suatu kampong dimana terdapat Kapela Tuan Ma (Bunda Maria) berada.

Keadaan itu pun memaksa kami untuk bergerak cepat menuju kediaman kerabat kami bernama Cons di bilangan San Juan. Setelah menitipkan tas di penginapan, dengan menumpang mikrolet, kami langsung menuju Pelabuhan TPI (tempat pelelangan ikan) Di sana, kami pun harus ‘berlomba’ menaiki kapal-kapal yang sedang berlabuh di pelabuhan. Tak lama kemudian, Kapal Flotim 02 yang kami tumpangi sudah dipenuhi peziarah sehingga sang kapten langsung mengemudikannya menuju bagian tengah agar kapal lainnya bisa merapat di pelabuhan.

Hawa panas di siang itu, sama sekali tak menyurutkan semangat umat dan peziarah. Dengan menumpang ratusan kapal mulai dari perahu motor hingga kapal ASDP dan kapal lainnya, para peziaran menuju Wure untuk menjemput Tuan Ma. Ritual ini sudah berlangsung selama 5 abad atau 500 tahun. Dari Kota Reinha inilah, Agama Katolik mulai berkembang di daratan Flores. Karenanya, Kota Reinha disebut juga sebagai pusat pengembangan agama Katolik di wilayah timur Nusantara khususnya di NTT. Pengambangan Agama Katolik ini disiarkan oleh kaum awam atau non klerus. Berkembang pesatnya agama Katolik di daratan Flores dan NTTumumnya tentu saja atas dukungan dan peran para raja di Larantuka dan daratan Flores, para misionaris serta confreria atau perkumpulan persaudaraan rasul awam. Selain itu, sejarah juga mencatat, berkembangnya Agama Katolik tak bisa lepas dari peran dan dukungan para Kakang (Kakang Lewo Pulo) dan para Pou atau Suku Lema.

Dalam penyebaran ajaran Katolik inilah, kemudian melahirkan suatu tradisi yang disebut dengan Semana Santa. Semana Santa adalah suatu tradisi warisan Portugis di Larantuka. Ini berawal dari abad ke XV sejak masuknya misionaris Dominikan. Upacara Semana Santas sangat unik karena terlibatnya para raja maupun bangsawan. Peran dan pengaruh Raja Larantuka dan keturunannya sangat besar dan dominant dalam setiap penyelenggaraan. Sejak Raja Larantuka ke-10 yakni Raja Ola Oda Bala DVG dipermandikan secara Katolik, beliau telah memerintahkan agar semua suku (Pou) yang berada dalam lingkaran kekuasaannya harus memberi perhatian yang serius dalam membantu gereja, baik dalam usaha perluasan agama maupun peningkatan iman umat. Pada setiap pagelaran kegiatan Semana Santa yang dilakukan secara mentradisi, Raja dan keturunannya bersama suku-suku Semana mengkoordinir seluruh rangkaian kegiatan.

Semana Santa adalah istilah orang nagi Larantuka mengenai masa puasa 40 hari menjelang hari raya Paskah yang diwarnai dengan kegiatan doa bersama pada kapela-kapela (tori) dan dilaksanakan selama pekan suci. Doa bersama Semana Santa diawali pada hari Rabu Abu (permulaan masa puasa) sampai dengan hari Rabu Trewa. Orang nagi Larantuka memaknai masa Semana Santa sebagai masa permenungan, tapa, sili dosa dan tobat.

Ritual ini dilakukan untuk menghayati kisah kesengsaraan Tuhan Yesus. Prosesi Jumad Agung atau Sesta Vera ini dilakukan setiap tahunnya dan telah menjadi event wisata rohani bagi para peziarah dari berbagai penjuru dunia. Dalam menjalani prosesi Jumat Agung ini, umat Katolik melakukannya dengan berpuasa. Bertapa, tobat atas semua salah dan dosa. Dalam pertapaan inilah, umat bedoa dan bernyanyi dalam bahasa Portugis, Indonesia dan daerah serta bahasa Latin.
Prosesi Semana Santa berakhir pada Rabu Trewa, Pada hari tersebut, di semua kapela pada sore harinya umat melakukan lamentasi atas mendaraskan ratapan sebagaimana yang dilakukan Nabi Yeremia pada masa lampau. Di Larantuka, lamentasi dilakukan dengan mengikuti ritus Romawi.
Sehari sebelum Jumat Agung atau pada Kamis Putih, warga Kota Larantuka melakukan kegiatan yang disebut dengan ‘tikan turo’ atau menanam tiang-tiang lilin pada semua pagar sepanjang jalan yang menjadi rute prosesi Jumat Agung. Tikan turo dilakukan oleh kaum mardomu sesuai "promesa-nya" (nasarnya). Sementara itu, di Kapela Tuan Ma, berlangsung upacara ‘muda tuan’ atau upacara pembukaan peti yang selama satu tahun ditutup oleh petugas Confreria yang telah diangkat melalui sumpah.

Selanjutnya Arca Tuan Ma dibersihkan dan dimandikan kemudian dilengkapi dengan busana perkabungan, sehelai mantel warna hitam, ungu atau beludru biru. Setelah itu kesempatan diberikan kepada umat untuk berdoa, menyembah, bersujud mohon berkat dan rahmat, kiranya permohonannya dikabulkan oleh Tuhan Yesus melalui perantaraan Bunda Maria (Per Mariam ad Jesum). Pintu kapela Tuan Ma dan Tuan Ana baru dibuka pada pagi pukul 10.00. Sebagaimana tradisi, Raja keturunan Diaz Viera Godinho yang membuka pintu kapela. Sesudah dibuka baru dimulai kegiatan pengecupan Tuan Ma dan Tuan Ana (Cium Tuan) yang berlangsung dalam suasana hening dan sakral.

Prosesi Jumat Agung

Jumat Agung adalah hari wafatnya Isa Almasih. Prosesinya dilakukan dengan menghantar jenasah Yesus Kristus yang memaknai Yesus sebagai inti sedangkan Bunda Maria adalah pusat perhatian, Bunda yang bersedih, Bunda yang berduka cita (Mater Dolorosa).

Sekitar pukul 10.00, ritus Tuan Meninu dari Kota Rewido digelar. Setelah berdoa di kapela, Tuan Meninu diarak lewat laut dengan acara yang semarak nan sakral. Prosesi laut melawan arus ini berakhir di Pante Kuce, depan istana Raja dan selanjutnya diarak untuk ditakhtakan pada armada Tuan Meninu di Pohon Sirih. Arca Tuan Ma pun diarak dari kapela-Nya menuju Gereja Kathedral. Pada sore hari pukul 15.00, patung Tuan Missericordia juga diarak dari kapela Missericordia Pante Besar menuju armidanya di Pohon Sirih.

Dalam prosesi ini juga diikuti oleh dua uskup dari Fatima, Portugal, yakni Uskup Emeritus Fatima, Mgr. D Serafim, dan Uskup Fatima, Mgr. Luciano Gurera. Keduanya menumpang perahu nelayan dan perahu motor yang disiapkan panitia untuk melepas perarakan Tuan Meninu dari Pantai Kota Rewido, Sarotari menuju Pante Kuce, Pohon Sirih.

Seperti biasa, patung Tuan Meninu dilakukan melalui laut. Ribuan peziarah ikut prosesi laut ini. Para peziarah menumpang ratusan perahu nelayan dan perahu motor serta kapal-kapal yang ada. Patung Tuan Meninu (patung kanak-kanak Yesus) menumpang sebuah perahu nelayan yang disiapkan panitia. Dalam perahu Tuan Meninu ini ikut hadir Uskup Larantuka, Mgr. Frans Kopong Kung, Pr.

Selain dua uskup protugal, juga hadir Menteri Pertahanan RI, Purnomo Yusgiantoro dan Dubes Portugal, Carlos Manuel Leitao Frota, bersama istrinya Ny. Manuel Frota.

Sekretaris Menteri Pertahanan mengatakan, kunjungan Menteri Pertahanan RI, Purnomo Yusgiantoro, ke Larantuka sebetulnya merupakan kunjungan kerja.

"Menhan juga menganut iman yang sama dengan umat Katolik di sini, sehingga ikut dalam prosesi, "kata Sekretaris Menhan.

Selain para pejabat pusat dan tamu asing, juga terlihat Gubernur NTT, Frans Lebu Raya dan Wakil Bupati Flores Timur, Yosep Lagadoni Herin, S.Sos.

Dalam prosesi menjemput Tuan Ma di Wure, pezirah atau para penjemput harus berhadapan dengan arus laut yang terkenal ganas di Selat Gonsalu. Namun, ganasnya laut sama sekali tidak menyurutkan umat dan para peziarah mengikuti prosesi laut. Peziarah yang tidak kebagian perahu motor mengikuti perarakan dari darat dengan kendaraan dan ada yang berdiri di sepanjang pantai. Prosesi lewat laut ini untuk memaknai Yesus sebagai inti, sedangkan Bunda Maria adalah pusat perhatian karena sedang bersedih, bunda yang berduka cita (mater doloroso).
Pada prosesi Jumat malam, umat dan peziarah yang hadir tahun ini lebih banyak dari tahun sebelumnya.
Dalam pelaksanaannya, perjalanan prosesi mengelilingi kota Larantuka menyinggahi 8 tempat perhentian (armida) yakni: (1) Armida Missericordia, (2) Armida Tuan Meninu (armida kota), (3) Armida St. Philipus, (4) Armida Tuan Trewa, (5) Armida Pantekebi, (6) Armida St. Antonius, (7) Armida Kuce dan (8) Armida Desa Lohayong.

Armida-armida tersebut sesuai urutannya, menggambarkan seluruh kehidupan Yesus Kristus mulai dari ke-AllahNya (Missericordia), kehidupan manusia-Nya dari masa Bayi (Tuan Meninu), masa remaja (St. Philipus) hingga masa penderitaan-Nya sambil menghirup dengan tabah dan sabar seluruh isi piala penderitaan sekaligus piala keselamatan umat manusia.

Sabtu Santo-Minggu Paskah

Pada hari Sabtu atau yang biasa disebut dengan Sabtu Santo, umat mengarak kembali Tuan Ma dan Tuan Ana dari Gereja Katedral untuk disemayamkan di kapelanya masing-masing. Pun juga patung Tuan Missericordia dan Tuan Meninu diarak dari armidanya kembali ke kapelanya.

Sementara pada hari Minggu Paskah umat Katolik merayakannya sebagai Hari Kebangkitan Tuhan Yesus yang telah mengalahkan maut dan kematian. Minggu Paskah adalah hari dimana Yesus bangkit dari kuburnya. Hari Minggu Paskah adalah hari kemenangan dan hari itu adalah hari keselamatan umat manusia yang mengikuti Yesus. Umat bersama imam merayakan ekaristi di Gereja. Pada sore harinya, umat bersama irmau dan pesadu Confreria mengantar patung Maria Alleluya dari kapela Pantekebis ke Gereja Katedral untuk disemayamkan selama upacara ekaristi. Selesai perayaan ekaristi, patung Maria Alleluya diarak kembali ke Kapela Pantekebis; setelah pentakhtaan patung Maria Alleluya, dilakukan acara "sera punto dama" dari para mardomu pintu Tuan Ma dan Tuan Ana yang lama kepada yang baru.

Acara "sera punto dama" juga dilakukan di Kapela Missericordia Pante Besar setelah berdoa Alleluya selesai. Dengan demikian, berakhirlah prosesi suci yang panjang; Semana Santa dengan Sesta vera sebagai mahkotanya. Sebagai budaya sakral warisan Portugis, ritus suci digelar juga di Konga dan Wureh.

Lima Abad Tuan Ma

Semana Santa menjadi momentum pembaruan iman dalam ziarah bersama Bunda Maria. Tema umum yang ditetapkan ialah "Berziarah bersama Bunda Maria". Demikian disampaikan Uskup Larantuka, Mgr. Frans Kopong Kung, Pr, ketika mengumumkan perayaan Lima Abad Tuan Ma di Larantuka, 7 Oktober 2009 lalu. Saat itu, Uskup Frans Kopong Kung dalam surat gembala, "Berziarah Bersama Maria, memaknai Lima Abad Tuan Ma," meminta agar umat menyadari perayaan lima abad Tuan Ma sebagai momen pembaharuan iman dalam ziarah bersama Bunda Maria. Perayaan yang akan berpuncak pada 7 Oktober mendatang harus menjadi gerakan pertobatan. Semua mesti bertobat. Orangtua perlu bertobat dan memberikan contoh hidup yang baik bagi anak-anak. Anak-anak juga perlu membaharui diri dengan menjaga nilai-nilai kristiani. Pejabat pemerintah juga perlu semakin sadar akan tugasnya untuk melayani rakyat, bukan untuk mengeksploitir rakyat demi keuntungan pribadi. Singkatnya, dibutuhkan pembaharuan
total, sehingga makna Semana Santa tetap kuat dihayati.

Hal sama juga disampaikan Pastor Paroki Katedral Reinha Rosari Larantuka, Rm. Yosef Naran Leni, Pr. Ia mengatakan, Semana Santa harus menjadi momentum pembaharuan, kesempatan bertobat dan memperbaiki diri. Kehidupan devosional yang kental hendaknya berdampak pada perubahan sikap dan perilaku hidup yang lebih kristiani dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. (yep/sil)
(Source :

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

Tourism Objects of Lembata

Lewoleba is a capital city of Lembata Regency and as a central of education, economicc, trade and ggovernment activities. In Lewoleba, you can spent your time for visiting traditional market in Pada, and you can rent a motor boat to Awelolong white sandy island, it is located in the north of Lewoleba town. On August you can join with local people to seek snails ( bekarang cari siput) in Awelolong. White Sandy Island at Wunopito beach (Lapangan Terbang). We can see Awelolong when low tied.

How to get there?
From Bali (Denpasar). You can get a flight from Denpasar to Kupang and by Trans Nusa air Service fly from Kupang to Lewoleba every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday in the morning.

From Bali (Denpasar). You can get a flight to Maumere Flores or Labuan Bajo in west of Flores Island and than:
Public overland bus from Labuan bajo or Maumere to Larantuka in east of Flores island. At 08.00 in the morning from Larantuka with daily motor boat. You can view the beautiful scenery of the narrow strait between Adonara Island and Solor Island during 3 or 4 hours. Local boat will be stop over in Waiwerang village after that to Lewoleba town. (Lewoleba seaport).
Ferry from Kupang in Timor Island at every Wednesday and Ferry from Larantuka - Lewoleba – Baranusa – Kalabahi – Alor and every Monday. Every Wednesday from Kalabahi – Baranusa – Lewoleba – Larantuka, East Flores. (Please contact ferry officer). Ph :…………….
Kapal PELNI / PELNI Ship.( KM.Bukit Siguntang) from Ujung Pandang/ Makasar - Maumere – Larantuka – Lewoleba – Kupang PP, every two weeks, please contact PELNI Office. Ph:
Kapal motor Diana from Wairiang (Lembata) – Kalabahi every Wednesday.
Kapal motor Nangalala from Kupang – Lewoleba – Kalabahi – Atapupu every two weeks.

Where do you stay?
Palm Indah Hotel (Excellent, and quite hotel in Lewoleba town) it offers, deluxe room, suite room, standard room and also breakfast, lunch dinner ). It is located beside Pada Traditional Market. Ph:
Lewoleba Hotel. Nice hotel in lewoleba town, it is located at Awalolong street. Lewoleba Hotel serves air condition room, economic room, breakfast, lunch, dinner and also rent car. Ph :
Rejeki Hotel. Nice hotel in Lewoleba town, it is located on Trans Lembata Street in the central of Lewoleba town and shopping area. Rejeki hotel prepares of air condition rooms, economic room, breakfast , lunch, dinner, rent a car and tourist information service. Ph:
Puri Mutiara Hotel. A nice hotel in Lewoleba town. It is located on Trans Lembata street near the police office. It is a clean hotel surrounded by banana trees. Puri Mutiara hotel serves air condition rooms, standard room, economic rooms and also your breakfast, lunch, dinner. enjoy ile ape volcano on Rayuan Kelapa Village ( Bajo fisherman village).Ph:
Lile Ile Back Packers.
It is located at Lewoleba beach Lile Ile is a nice home stay and quite for your accommodation in Lewoleba town. You can enjoy with the nice view of Ile Ape Volcano. Owner is Mr Jimy. He is Hollandaise. Ph:

Lembata Indah Hotel.
It is located in the middle of Lewoleba town on Berdikari Street. A nice and Clean hotel. Lembata Indah Hotel sereves air Condition rooms,Economic rooms, Breakfast, Lunch and dinner. It prepares also rent a car and motor bike.

Where do you eat and drink ?

Moting Lomblen Restaurant and café.
It is located at Lewoleba beach. Moting Lomblen Restaurant offers breakfast, lunch, dinner. It is also serves sea food, Indonesian food cool beer. You can enjoy your breakfast, lunch and dinner while admiring beautiful of Ile Ape Volcano .Ph:
Berkat Lomblen Restaurant.
It is located at Rayuan Kelapa Village ( Kampung Bajo ). Berkat Lomblen serves sea food, local food an Indonesian food for your breakfast lunch dinner. Ph:
Warung makan Bandung.
A Nice warung makan (place for eating smaller than café) and located in the Central of Lewoleba town. It serves sea food, Indonesian food for your breakfast, lunch and dinner.(in front of Rejeki hotel )
Lomblen Pub and Karouke.
If you have a relax time, you can spend your spare time at Lomblen Pub for enjoy cool beer, while sing a song and dance. Open every night at 8.00 in the evening. It is located in Waikilok near Pada traditional market.
Santana pub and Karouke.
It is Located on Jalan Raya Pada. If you want get relax, Santana Pub serves cool beer, sing a song and dance. It is a calm place and surrounded by coconut trees. Open every night at 8.00 evening.

Important address :
Touristt Information Center: Office: Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Lembata (Culture and Tourism Office). Jln Lapangan Polres – Kota Baru Lewoleba – Lembata. Phone (0383) 41286.
Money changer (Bank Nasional Indonesia) Jln.Trans Lembata – Lewoleba
Lembata. Phone:
Internet service :
Lembata Regent office: Trans Lembata street no 1
Kitory Nett : Kota baru street - Lewoleba – Lembata.
Telecommunication office (Internet Service) : Trans Lembata Street - Lewoleba Lembata
Public Hospital : Trans Lembata Street Lamahora–Lewoleba–Lembata.
Police office. : Trans Lembata Sreet. Lewoleba – Lembata.
Lewoleba harbour master. : Lewoleba sea port – Lewoleba - lembata.
Wunopito airport : Lamahora – Lewoleba – Lembata.
Trans Nusa Air Service. : Awalolong Street – Lewoleba lembata.

White sandy beach, surrounded by fresh of tropical trees. Nice view at the hill top of Waijarang, Swimming, sun-bathing, sailing, fishing. Hiking, Camping relax.
Diving (you can bring your own dive equipment and be careful because the big current).
How to get there:
From Lewoleba town you can take a motor bike, or car, only half an hour. You will rent for one day. The road is good.

Where do you stay and to eat :
You can contact Kepala Desa (Head of The Village) for your accommodation and meals or you can stay at hotels in Lewoleba town.

White sandy beach surrounded by coconut trees and mangrove.
Swimming, sun bathing, picnic, sun set. Relax, sailing.
How to get there:
You can rent a motor bike (ojek) from Lewoleba or you can rent a car. you can rent a car or motor bike at Lewoleba hotel or Rejeki hotel. It is about half an hour from Lewoleba town. Daily bemo starts at east bus station (Lamahora) at 12.00 noon.

Where do you stay and to eat :
you can contact Kepala Desa (Head of The Village) for your accommodation (Home stay) and meals (local food) or you can stay at hotels in Lewoleba town.

The uniqueness life style of Lamalera tribes.
Peledang boath and tempuling harpoon of each clan.
Traditional house of each clan.
Traditional ceremony of tobo arus nama fata ( It is performed on 29 April every year ).
Misa Leva (Catholic Mass).It is a thanks giving ceremony using Catholic tradition. It is usually performed on 1 Mei every year.
Leva Nuang (Whale Hunting Season). We invite you to join with local fisherman for go fishing with their own boat. Season of Leva Nuang fom 2 Mei until September.
Demonstration of whale hunting by local fisherman at Lamalera beach, if you can not see the local people catch the whale on your arrival. (For further information please contact Kepala desa/village chief).
Beautiful scenery at Gripe
Local handicraft.( you will find in their own house ), traditional sarong using whale motive, shawls, small Peledang.
Fantastic of Lamalera Viilage (only stone and rocky Village).
Batu ikan paus (holy Whale stone in Lamamanu Village).
Special for tourist group, they prepare package tour. Please contact Kepala Desa.
How to get there ?
Daily public transportation. You can get it at Waikomo bus station on the west of Lewoleba town. The bus departures on 12 at noon. It will be reached 3 or 4 hours. You also rent a motor bike ( ojek ) from Lewoleba town. At hotel Rejeki and Lewoleba Hotel you can rent a car.
Where do you stay and to eat?
Abel Home stay ( rooms are include with break fast, lunch and dinner )
Guru Ben Home stay ( rooms are include breakfast lunch and dinner )

Amazing of 30 meters of Lodovavo water fall surrounded by fresh air of tropical forest.
Bird watching and wild life of other animals, hiking.
Lodovavo river, frogs, eels, shrimps
Swimming and enjoy the natural of water fall and river.
How to get there?
Daily public transportation (bus or local transportation of truck). You can take at west bus station of Lewoleba (waikomo). You can rent a motor bike ( ojek ). Lewoleba hotel and Rejeki hotel are always ready for rent a car. It is about 3 hours from Lewoleba.
Where do you stay and to eat ?
You can contact kepala Desa for your accommodation and meals lunch, breakfast, dinner (local food at home stay). Atawuwur is a stop over point to Lamalera Village.

Tracking to the summit of Ile Ape volcano at 04.00 – 05.00 early in the morning ( sun rise, sunset, caldera )
Atawatung old village (kampong lama) with their customary house of each clan.
Traditional of Bean party (it is performed on July or August every year) in their customary house.
Traditional of ikat weaving. (traditional of Sarong is made by woman in their own house )
How to get there?
Daily public bus or bemo, You can take in the east of Lewoleba bus station in Lamahora Village at 12 noon, or you can rent a motor bike (ojek) and to rent a car at Lewoleba hotel and Rejeki hotel.
Where do you stay and to eat?
Hamaena Home stay or you can contact Kepala Desa for further information or Mr. Linus. He is a tracking guide.
For your meals please contact owner of home stay (Your break fast, lunch and dinner is local food).

Natural kitchen (dapur alam). Small holes of gases used for cooking local food like peanut, potatoes, young corn, meat of pig, and local vegetables. On every April or Marc they perform Buka Karun Ceremony.(A kind of ceremony starting to use the natural kitchen / dapur alam).
Customary house of each clans and big Ivory (maskawin/ belis), (on July or August, they perform the Ahar ceremony).
Nice view of Watulolo.
Traditional of ikat weaving done by women in their own house, local plait.
Traditional of coconut wine processing (Iris Tuak) by man in the morning and evening.

How to get there?
From Lewoleba town.
Daily public transport, departure at 12.00 noon you can take in the west bus station of Waikomo.
Or daily motor bike (ojek) you can find every where in Lewoleba town for . rent.
You can rent a car at Lewoleba Hotel and Rejeki Hotel.
Where do you stay and to eat?
Please contact kepala desa (the head o village) for your accommodation, meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner (local food).

After you spend a little time in Watuwawer village, you can drive to Atawolo Village only 20 minutes.
Nice view at Atawolo hill top.
Traditional house of the clan, on March or April they held the traditional ceremony of eating young corn special to the chief of the clan and also a thanks giving ceremony for the God and their ancestor).
Lidah Manusia ( man’s tongue ) protected by the local people.
On September every year they held Bako Mede Ceremony and haddock (local Boxing), Rigum keluok / harvest ceremony .
How to get there?
From Lewoleba town.

Daily public transport, departure at 12.00 noon you can take in the east bus station of Waikomo.
Daily motor bike (ojek) you can find any where in Lewoleba town for rent.
You can rent a car at Lewoleba Hotel and Rejeki Hotel.
Where do you stay and to eat?
Please contact kepala desa (Village shef) for you arrival and for your accommodation, meals (breaksfast, lunch and dinner (local food).

Really wonderful of White sandy beach, suitable for sunbathing.
High wave for surfing from July August September October (you can bring your own boat).
Diving in pulau Swanggi ( Swanggi Island) you can bring your own diving facilities for diving).
Sunset on Mingar beach from July until October every year.
On FFebruaryy, the local people performs traditional ceremony for catching nale at Mingar beach.
Traditional village of Mingar.
How to get there?
From Lewoleba Town.
Daily public bus. It is always departured at 12.00 Noon from Lewoleba town to Mingar village, (you can take in the west Bus station Waikomo)
Daily motor bike (ojek) you can find every where in Lowoleba town for rent or
You can rent a car at Lewoleba Hotel or Rejeki Hotel.

Where do you stay and to eat?
Please contactt Kepala Desa (village chief) for you accommodation (home stay) meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner, local foods).

Really wonderful of White sandy beach suitable for sunbathing.
High wave for surfing on August until September.(you can bring you own boat for surfing).
See the cave bat (kelelawar) at gowa mera (in the Natural grave gua merah or red cave).
Jogging, and other sports on the beach.
Nice view at the Tanjung Baja hill top.
How to get there?
From Lewoleba town.
Daily public bus, you can take in the east bus station (Lamahora) in front of Lewoleba Public Hospital (Rumah sakit umum Lewoleba).
Daily motor bike (ojek) you can find every where in Lewoleba town for rent.
Please contact at Rejeki Hotel and Lewoleba Hotel for rent a car.
Where do you stay and to eat?
Please contact Kepala Desa (Village chief) for you accommodation and your breakfast, lunch, and dinner (local food).

Nice and quite beach for relax it is surrounded by coconut trees.
Swimming snorkeling and diving.
Stop over point to Bean beach (traditional eating shop with nice local food) Traditional of Rewa ika ceremony on August every year.
Traditional of ikat weaving processing done by women in their own house.
Sunset in Tanjung Baja hill top.
How to get there?
Daily public bus or bemo, you can take in the east of Lewoleba bus station in Lamahora Village. Start at 12.00. or you can rent a motor bike ( ojek ) or to rent a car at Lewoleba hotel and Rejeki hotel.
Where do you stay and to eat ?
Please contact Kepala Desa for your accommodation.
For your meals please contact owner of home stay


Tracking to the summit of ile Ape volcano at 04.00 – 05.00 in the early morning (sun rise, sunset, and caldera).
Lewohala traditional village (kampong lama) with their customary house of each clan.
Traditional of Bean party (it happens on September every year). In their customary house.
Traditonal of ikat weaving. (Traditional of Sarong is made by woman in their house), Whale skeleton at Jontona beach.
How to get there?
Daily public bus or bemo, You can take in the east of Lewoleba bus station in Lamahora Village or you can rent a motor bike ( ojek )you will find every where in Lewoleba. or rent a car at Lewoleba hotel or Rejeki hotel.
Where do you stay and to eat ?
For your accommodation (home stay) please contact the head of village or Bapak Stef Lodan.
For your meals please contact owner of home stay ( local food).

For further information please contact:
Cultural and tourism office of Lembata Regency.
Lapangan Polres sreet – Kota Baru – Lewoleba – Lembata – NTT.
Phone ( 0383 ) 414 06
Contact person: Antonio Wutun Mobile (085237902751) or Dion Wutun Mobile (081328343512)

For further information please contact:
Cultural and tourism office of Lembata Regency.
Lapangan Polres sreet – Kota Baru – Lewoleba – Lembata – NTT.
Phone ( 0383 ) 414 06
Contact person: Antonio Wutun Mobile (085237902751)
sekitar 4 bulan yang lalu · Laporkan
Youk Tanzil Dear Mr.Antonio & Dion Wutun,
This year I am planning to make a trip around Indonesia on motorcycle with my son to make a documentary film "Ring of Fire Adventure" The RoFa stage 1 start with NTT, NTB, Jawa Timur, Tengah, Barat and back to Jakarta. (Timor, Alor, Pantar, Lembata, Adonara, Larantuka Flores, Ende, crossing to Waingapu-Sumba and back to Ende, Labuhan Bajo, Komodo, Sumbawa, Lombok Bali and Jawa) Your Posting is a big help for me to plan our visit to Lembata. What we are worried is about the sea transportation since our team consist of 13 people ( 5 motor bikes, 2 cars).I am not sure that from Kalabahi we can do islands hopping and bringing the cars with us.
We expect the documentary will be broadcasted by international TVs, Cable & sattellite TVs as well as Inflight entertainment on Garuda Flights. I shall be delighted to get intouch with you and explain more about our trip and plans. Will be intouch soon


From Larantuka we took a ferry to Lembata, a small island in far eastern Indonesian archipelago. On the way we passed smoking volcanoes rising awesomely from the sea. A group of adolescents on the ferry were excited to be with tourists that could speak Indonesian. They tweaked our noses and asked us jokingly if we would like to trade skin colors. Everyone wanted our light skin and “sharp” noses. Lewoleba, the main town on Lembata, was blisteringly hot during the day but surprisingly chilly at night. Bright red and yellow cashew fruit was on sale at the small market outside of town. The central market had recently burned down. All that was left were a few charred bamboo poles.

We soon set out to visit some traditional ikat-weaving villages and to climb a nearby volcano: “Ile Ape”. After a bumpy bemo ride along a rutted dirt track we stopped at the first village, wandered around until we found someone weaving and watched as they worked, explaining the process to us. We drank coffee, chatted and sampled the local delicacy: “jagung ptitih”, or smashed popcorn. The kernels are first cooked over a fire in a clay pot until they pop, then smashed with a flat rock. It doesn't sound like much, but it tasted surprisingly good. The villagers, especially the village headman, were so friendly that we were reluctant to leave. We wanted to climb the volcano the following day, so we continued to the next village, where we knew that we could find a guide. Unfortunately, when we arrived we discovered that people were not as welcoming as at the previous place. They seemed more used to tourists. The prices to climb the volcano were far above what it was worth, so, to their surprise, we turned them down.

There was a festival in a neighboring village the next day, so we decided to stay. It was sweltering hot at night and the only thing we had to drink was salty well water, drawn at dusk by casting plastic bottles on strings into the deep well in the center of the village. There were no other sources of fresh water other than a few remaining bottles of mineral water in the local kiosk that we quickly purchased and drank. On this part of the island, in the shadow of Ile Ape, only corn, tubers and a few scraggly vegetables can grow. Weaving provides reliable income. Traditionally, a woman is expected to make her wedding sarong completely from scratch: grow the cotton, comb, prepare and spin into thread, then string it on the loom, create the “ikat” patterns by tying off sections, dye it over and over again, and then, finally, weave the material. Years of intermittent work are required to make one piece. We asked the women to show us their “adat” (traditional) wedding sarongs. The colors, although dull in the strong sunlight, were natural and earthy. The patterns were interesting and complex. Once we had seen these traditional works of art, the sarongs sold in the tourist shops, with their gaudy colors and monotonous patterns, ceased to hold our interest.

The next morning, rising early, we wandered into the hills before it became too hot. We found the old village, famous for its annual bean festival, and stopped for a taste of “arak”, or distilled palm wine, from an elderly farmer. The sea, dark blue with crests of white, stood out from the parched, brown hillside under the blazing sun. We walked down the slope, getting lost in the dry, scruffy palm trees and dense undergrowth.

Almost a hundred years ago, a man had killed another man from the neighboring village, starting a feud. Eventually, peace was made. In order to maintain that peace, a small ceremony was held every few years. The “dukun”, or witch doctor, presided over the peacemaking ritual. A young man from each village, chosen to play a symbolic role, offered their right hands to be bound together. The dukun waved a pair of green coconuts, two live chickens, two of this and two of that in turn over the clasped hands before pulling them right and left, then unclasping them over a small pile of cotton and flowers. All the while, children cracked homemade noisemakers. After the ceremony everyone sat down to eat a special meal and drink “tuak”, or palm wine. After chatting for a while with the locals and taking some pictures, we returned along the dirt track to the weaving village we had visited the day before.

The village headman was in the church for choir practice when we arrived. He rushed home, excited to have guests. Dinner was simple: rice, boiled vegetables, fresh tomatoes, instant noodles and fried peanuts. The whole family was at the table: the village head, his wife, sister and mother. It was the first time we had eaten a meal together with a family in Indonesia. Before eating, he turned to Eric and asked him to say grace in “our” language. Eric managed to compose a short speech in English. The village chief then turned and said grace in his way, intoning reverently as he bent deeply over his clasped hands. Breaking into a huge grin, he began loading his plate with an immense pile of rice. His mug, twice as large as the others, was filled to the brim with sweet rainwater from their cistern. We gulped down large quantities of sweet water ourselves and talked with them about Indonesia and Switzerland. They couldn't believe that we didn't have rice, bananas or coconuts growing at home. What did we eat, then? It was hard to describe how we lived on bread, potatoes and pasta. When asked how the village head was elected, they told us that every adult in the village was given a kernel of corn to be cast in vote by putting it into a cup with the candidate's name written on it.

It was a long, hot night. The sweltering heat was barely stirred by a slight breeze from the ocean. It was quiet and dark. Early in the morning we were awakened by the sound of smashing popcorn from behind the house. One of the ladies had risen at 4am to prepare this special snack for us to take with us back to Lewoleba.  

Distric Ile Ape Lembata : Center of the traditional culture

Distric Ile Ape Lembata : Center of the traditional culture

The residents of the peninsula that is dominated by Gunung Ile Ape, belong to the most traditional part of Lembata. The adat houses on the slopes, in which traditionally spirits are honored, are still in use and festivities like the 'bean-fest' still takes place. The women make the nicest ikats of the island. The landscape is very beautifull. From Ile Ape, you cansee the big protected Teluk Waienga in the east, with deep blue water and surrounded by coconut and lontar-palmtrees.

Refined ikat

The weavers of Ile Ape don't use synthetic dye or prefabricated threat. They make the threat by hand or self-grown cotton and the dye is made from roots and leaves of flowers. In all villages along the coast women are working behind their weaving machines. The best fabrics are expensive, but can be very expensife if you have the best quality. They form an important part of the bridal treasure. During marriages the family of the bride gives the nice fabrics to the family of the groom.
Most villages have koker, small huts which are used as temples for the ancestors. The koker are outside the village, on the slopes of Gunung Ile Ape. Sacrifices are regularly brought, but the most important spiritual annual event is the 'Bean Festival', Pesta Kacang.

Bean festival

In the 1960's the Pesta Kacang was hardly performed anymore. The 'ban' on regional religions is eased now and the government has become aware of the political and economical benefits of the cultural diversity. In an effort to bring back to life several local traditiona, the government stimulated the Pesta Kacang.
The 'new' Pesta Kacang lasts three days. In earlier times it took upto one week. In a small group the first day is spend on prayers and sacrificing the village spirites, the goodlike ancestors of the village as well as the spirits of the soil. The following two days are public. Several hundred people participate in the dances (hamang). For important guests, among foreigners, a stay for the night is arranged. The festivities take place in Lamagute (July), Mawa (August), Lawotolok (September), Jontana (October) and Lamariang (November). Under the influence of the modern time the old habits have been changed slightly. Stickfights, in which young men hit eachother on the legs, are abolished. And married women nowadays cover their breasts.


The road from Lewoleba to Mawa, along the western side of the vulcano, is reasonably good. The road from Mawa to Tokosaeng at the eastern coast is not that good and there is no public transport. Between Tokosaeng and Jontona, only motorcycles, jeeps and people walking can travel. From Jontona, the road is better; it merges with the better road just north of Lewoleba. Passenger trucks maintain connections with the villages on the peninsula. Especially on Mondays there is a lot of traffic because of the market in Lewoleba. But none of the - mostly overfull - trucks drives around the entire peninsula. During travelling you will look at a whole lot of dusty faces, unless you are in the lucky position to sit alongside the driver.
Who travels this area on foot and - where possible - by public transport, will have to get a nights stay offered by the residents of the villages. This shouldn't be a problem; look for the kepala desa (village head) and ask permission to spend the night in the village. It's not expensive. The dinner is local food (corn, maniok, vegetables and maybe some fish) and in the mornings there is coffee.
You can also travel on the island by rented motorbike with a driver. The easiest way to travel is by chartered jeep or bemo. These can transport more than five persons and comes along with a driver for a cheap price.

Visit to the peninsula

The road that runs towards the north from Lewoleba, passes a turn to the landing strip and leads to the 'neck' or Ile Ape and then follows the western shore of the island. Meanwhile, small cotton plantations can be seen, salt-panes and every once in a while a row of reo-trees, which were planted by the Dutch.
About 12 kilometers from Lewoleba is Wawala, dominated by the mosque. The road now runs over low coastal hilla; the landscape changes drastically here. All villages have small fields on the slopes, where maniok, corn, beans and nuts are grown. There are several coconut trees and the traveller can have a drink of air kelapa muda (coconut milk). On the slopes of Gunung Ile Ape, the men hunt with their dogs, and crossbows on wild pigs. In contrary to the eastern coast, the western side is no place for fishing.
In Lamagute, at the northern coast, you can see the production of ikat fabrics. Take a local guide to the koker of the village. In the most important is a bronze drum with looks like a timeglass. Most drums which were found in that region - on Lembata, Solor and mainly Alor - the copies of the old drums are of those of the Dongson culture, about 2000 years ago. They were used as merchandize and were made in the 17th and 19th century in China and mainland Jawa. The drum of Lamagute is probably an original dating from the Dongson period.

Picture: Gunung Ile Ape

Who wants to climb the vulcano should realise that young, healthy climbers from the village take about two hours. Start before sunrise and take a hat, enough sunblick and water with you. Who wants to spend the night at the summit and doesn't want to freeze should bring a sleeping bag as well.
East of the peninsula is Teluk Waienga. In Jontona - and also in Lamagute - you can order people to perform a traditional dance for you.

By truck, boat or on foot

The weekly market in Lewoleba is one of the biggest in Eastern Indonesia. It attracts visitors and merchands from Alor and Pantar in the west, places like Larantuka, Maumere and Ende on Flores in the west and the islands of Savu and Raija in the south. In the dry season (March through December) several thousand people flock to this market in the west of Lembata.
Most visitors come to sell and buy their food: fishermen, farmers and women from the highlands with their colorfull ikat-decorated fabrics.
They sell and buy food, clothing, spices, cattle and tools. Other visitors to there to gossip or to enjoy the atmosphere. And for the children the market place is one big playing field.
Around 4 A.M. trucks deliver the first - sleepy - passengers. Until 11 A.M. the trucks and bemo keep on driving. Throughout the day all kinds of boats with marketeers arrive and depart. Canoo's with a diamont-shaped sail glide to their parking place. Noisy boats with engines move besides the pillared houses, pull out their engine and load their passengers on a shallow place in the water. With their merchandize on their heads, the women in colorfull sarongs walk to the shore.
Sweated farmers arrive on foot, some have a long trip behind them - on foot - of sometimes eight to ten hours. A trip with a truck is too expensife for them. They just bring a small bag of nuts, beans or tamarind with them.
A number of farmers uses the transport on Mondays to bring their harvest to Lewoleba. Kopra is the most important product, followed by green beans, nuts and tamarind. The government stimulated the cultivation of new crops, among them coffee, cashewnuts and palmsugar, so they can be bought at the market as well.

Rise of Lewoleba

In the Dutch time, Lembata was then named Lomblen, Hadakew - twenty kilometers east of Lewoleba - was the most important market place of the island. After the Second World War the small Lewoleba started to grow. In the early 1950's the first Bajau - semi-nomadic fishermen from the island of Adonara - built pillar houses off the coast, on grounds that were flooded a part of the day. But at the end of the 1950's there were stil wild pigs around Lewoleba and Hadakewa was still much more important.
The Indonesian government and the catholic church were at the base of the rise of Lewoleba by making the village of arts the center of their activites. Hadaweak now is a neglected provincial capital of a subdistrict.
The trade between the coastal residents and the population in the hinterlands dates back for many years. The gatherers on the beach needed corn, maniok, onions and vegetables, because the coastal area was dry and the soil was infertile. The people from the hinterlands needed proteine and fish.

Gossip between the ikat.

Most visitors of the market sell or buy small amounts: one kilo of corn, a few eggs, a handfull tobacco, one or two pineapples and a little bit of coffee. The women have spread their merchandize on a cloth. Chickens are hung by the legs, a snorring pig is tied to a rope, just in case. For the entire day, traders exchange the latest gossip, always chewing on a sirih-prune, which colors the teeth red. Some women sell homemade fabrics, which are as usual reasonably cheap. Every once in a while you can find a great ikat, often a heirloom, saved for a bridal treasury. These can be very expensive.
Traders from Savu also bring ikat; it looks like useless, but the designs from Savu are very well received among the women on the market. They trade their threads for these sarongs. Handmade cotton is popular because natural dyes maintain better than the manufactured fabrics.
The most serious trade is that in daily needs: dried fish, nuts, rice, corn, beans, maniok and kerosine. Everyone knows the price - trading level - of these goods. As soon as a sale is approved - and often before - the men drink a glass of palmwine.
Sellers of small snacks offer numerous snacks: roasted fish, sticky rice in banana-leaves, colored cookies and cake, lemonade, fresh bread, popcorn and fresh roasted peanuts.

Marriage market

For young men and women the foodstalls are the biggest attraction, but nog because of the food that is sold there.
However the market is also a place of flirting, it's the little warungs where the young men, after a shy laugh and several flattering words, can act on more serious moves of love.
During these meetings the young men are too excited to think about the burden of a marriage: following the habits on Lembata the bridal treasure should at least contain a drum, an elephants tooth or family heirlooms. Most early romances are broken because the man, which earns his money for the wedding somewhere else, falls in love there too.

Apresiasi untuk Pemilu Kada TTU
PELAKSANAAN pemilihan umum kepala daerah (Pemilu Kada) Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara (TTU) sudah mencapai tahap yang cukup penting dan menentukan.

Pada hari Selasa (19/10/2010), Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) TTU sudah menggelar rapat pleno penghitungan perolehan suara para calon kepala daerah dan sudah menetapkan pasangan bupati dan Wakil Bupati TTU terpilih.

Berdasarkan hasil penghitungan tersebut, pasangan Raymundus Sau Fernandes- Aloysius Kobes (Dubes) meraih suara terbanyak di antara lima pasangan peserta Pemilu Kada TTU 2010. Pasangan Dubes  meraih 42.709 suara sah (35,76%), disusul paket Gabriel-Simon (Manis) 41.216 suara sah (34,51%), Funan-Suni  26.621 suara sah (22,29%), Pijar  6.573 suara sah (5,50%), dan pasangan JD 2.303 suara sah.

Dengan komposisi seperti di atas, maka Pemilu Kada TTU hanya berlangsung satu putaran, karena peraih suara tertinggi sudah mencapai persentase yang disyaratkan, bahkan melebihinya, meskipun terpaut cuma seribu lebih suara dari paket Gabriel- Simon.

Masih banyak ketidakpuasan terhadap proses dan hasil yang telah ditetapkan KPUD TTU, terutama dari paket-paket dan pendukung paket yang kalah dalam pemilu kada ini. Hal ini hendaknya dilihat secara positif sebagai bentuk kontrol terhadap para penyelenggara Pemilu Kada TTU.  Karena itu, penyelenggara kiranya tidak menyepelekan berbagai bentuk ketidakpuasan itu dengan mengintrospeksi seluruh proses yang telah dilaksanakan.

Boleh jadi benar apa yang dipersoalkan para pemrotes, tetapi bisa juga sebaliknya. Untuk itu diperlukan keterbukaan dan transparansi dari pihak KPUD. Kalau ada yang salah, harus siap dikoreksi. Kalau benar pun harus bisa dijelaskan dengan sebaik- baiknya sehingga para pemrotes mengerti dan bisa menerima.

Memang tidaklah mudah menyelesaikan persoalan-persoalan seperti ini, karena sudah sarat dengan kepentingan politik. Akan tetapi, betapa pun tajamnya perbedaan politik, semua pihak harus memiliki itikad baik untuk menemukan jalan keluar.

Kalau jalan dialog tidak bisa menyelesaikan persoalan, mau tidak mau, jalur hukum harus ditempuh. Mekanisme seperti itu sudah disediakan oleh negara. Silakan para pihak membuktikan kebenarannya di pengadilan. Pihak pengadilan akan memutuskan perkara sesuai bukti-bukti yang disediakan.

Itulah mekanisme terakhir yang harus bisa diterima oleh semua pihak, apa pun hasilnya. Kalau menang ya menang. Kalau kalah ya kalah.

Dengan demikian, kita harapkan tidak ada tindak kekerasan dan pemaksaan kehendak. Gunakan akal sehat dan tempuhlah cara-cara yang elegan dan legal. Jangan menghalalkan cara untuk memenuhi keinginan.

Kita masih terus mengikuti kelanjutan proses Pemilu Kada TTU. Namun, sampai pada tahap ini, kita patut memberikan apresiasi kepada semua pihak di Kabupaten TTU, mulai dari masyarakat, para pendukung, para paket calon, penyelenggara dan pengawas pemilu kada, atas dukungan dan kerja samanya sampai saat ini.

Kita tidak mengingkari kenyataan bahwa terdapat kekurangan dan kelemahan di sana- sini, tetapi satu fakta yang patut dibanggakan bahwa proses Pemilu Kada TTU masih berjalan sesuai dengan jadwal. Sampai saat ini belum ada insiden luar biasa yang mengganggu pelaksanaan pilkada ini.

Inilah yang patut kita banggakan dan kiranya terus berlanjut sampai dengan finalnya Pemilu Kada TTU. Belajarlah dari kasus kisruh pemilu kada di daerah-daerah lain. Karena begitu kentalnya kepentingan para calon, ada daerah yang harus tertunda- tunda pemilu kadanya sampai saat ini.

Jelas ini suatu kerugian besar, bukan hanya bagi para calon yang bersaing menjadi bupati-wakil bupati, tetapi terutama bagi masyarakat daerah bersangkutan. Masyarakat membutuhkan kepemimpinan agar pembangunan di daerahnya bisa terlaksana. Ketika pemilihan pemimpinnya terkatung-katung, maka terkatung-katung pula pembangunannya, terkatung-katung pula nasib masyarakatnya. Sangat disayangkan.

Kasus seperti ini kiranya tidak terjadi di TTU. Ingatlah semua calon yang maju dalam pemilu kada kali ini adalah orang-orang TTU, saudara Anda juga. Semua calon pasti mau mengabdi untuk TTU. Tetapi karena mekanismenya sedemikian, hanya pasangan yang menang saja yang boleh menduduki kursi bupati-wakil bupati.

Kalau sudah sampai pada titik tersebut, pertandingan harus diakhiri. Kembalilah ke tempat masing-masing untuk bekerja sama, bergandengan tangan membangun TTU tercinta.*

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Tertinggalnya Kesenian Tradisional Sumarno

Tahun 1997 merupakan awal krisis di segala bidang. Diawali krisis ekonomi, disusul krisis kepercayaan dan krisis kepemimpinan nasional yang ditandai dengan lengsernya Presiden Soeharto karena gerakan mahasiswa 1998.

Tahun 1997 tak terkecuali, krisis melanda dunia seni. Terutama seni yang berbasis idealisme dan tak bisa menembus pangsa pasar. Teater RSPD yang pernah menjadi penggerak aktivitas teater di Tegal, sejak 1997 tak pernah lagi menggelar pentas di luar Tegal (Kompas, 14/3). Di Yogyakarta lebih memprihatinkan, ratusan dalang menganggur, tidak ada job pementasan. Menyusutnya jumlah tanggapan wayang juga mulai terasa tahun 1997 (Kompas, 15/3).

Vakumnya pementasan teater dan sepinya tanggapan wayang adalah fenomena krisis kesenian yang tidak bisa membiayai dirinya sendiri. Asumsi yang pertama muncul bisa ditebak, faktor ekonomi dituding sebagai penyebab. Kedua, kesenian tradisional seperti wayang telah ditinggalkan penggemarnya. Kaum muda lebih suka kesenian pop, band adalah contohnya.

Namun, melihat hal ini tidak sesederhana itu. Lihat saja setelah bergulir reformasi, terutama sejak masa Presiden KH Abdurrahman Wahid, dibuka kebebasan berekspresi seluas-luasnya, tak terkecuali memberi ruang lebih luas bagi etnis Tionghoa. Kesenian barongsai yang juga merupakan kesenian tradisional berkembang pesat dan mampu mendapat tempat bergengsi dengan pentas di mal-mal diikuti sambutan publik antusias.

Sebaliknya, memasuki era reformasi, pamor kesenian wayang kulit makin redup. Frekuensi pentas terus menurun.

Faktor ekonomi bukan penyebab satu-satunya. Karya seni tradisional asli dari daerah-daerah di Indonesia seperti tak bertuan. Batik, reog, angklung, lagu, dan tari adalah sederet karya seni yang pernah diklaim Malaysia. Ini mengindikasikan bahwa kita sebagai bangsa dan terutama para pemimpin kurang menaruh kepedulian terhadap kesenian tradisional. Kepedulian itu bahkan nyaris tak ada sama sekali.

Landasan ideologi

Terlepas dari kejelekan kepemimpinan Soeharto, kepeduliannya terhadap seni tradisional, terutama wayang kulit, sangat tinggi. Setiap ulang tahun departemen, TVRI, RRI, atau instansi lain kerap menanggap wayang kulit. Bahkan, wayang bukan hanya untuk dipentaskan, tetapi betul-betul dihayati. Di ruang kantor maupun rumah dihiasi dekorasi bermotif wayang. Cerita kisah pewayangan menjadi panduan mengelola negara. Setidaknya menunjukkan memiliki landasan ideologi muatan lokal.

Faktor kepedulian pemimpin sangat memengaruhi eksistensi kesenian tradisional. Maraknya seni barongsai beraksi di mal-mal karena kaum Taipan banyak menguasai sektor bisnis di Indonesia, termasuk pusat-pusat perbelanjaan modern.

Di era reformasi pemimpin kita lebih banyak bermanufer politik. Kalaupun minat pada seni, seni yang diminati adalah seni pop yang mengharu biru massa. Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono lebih tertarik mencipta lagu pop, selebihnya nonton film dan jazz. Nonton bukan hal yang salah sebagai bentuk apresiasi. Namun, kalau kesenian tradisional seperti wayang jarang ditengok, hal ini akan makin menjauhkannya dari masyarakat.

Untuk bangsa patronisme, peran pemimpin sebagai teladan dalam pelestarian seni tradisional sangat penting.

Kalau tahun 1997 ditengarai sebagai awal krisis multidimensi yang membuat krisis ekonomi dan krisis kepemimpinan pulih, kenapa krisis kesenian tradisional tidak kunjung pulih? Apakah memang bangsa ini telah mengalami metamorfosis? Kalau iya, berubah wujud rupa? Bergeser dari wujud awalnya?

Kita kadang gampang terkecoh apa yang kita tidak kuasai. Padahal, tak kurang bangsa-bangsa Asia patut dijadikan contoh untuk kemajuan di banyak bidang tanpa meninggalkan tradisi. Jepang, China, dan India adalah bangsa yang mencapai kemajuan di bidang teknologi, ekonomi, atau demokrasi, tetapi tetap berpegang teguh pada tradisi.

Anehnya lagi, tak sedikit orang Barat belajar karawitan dan wayang. Namun, generasi kita enggan mempelajarinya. Seolah kita tidak bisa membedakan antara modernisasi dan Westernisasi. Bangsa tak pandai menentukan orientasi. Pantas, jika pulihnya perekonomian pun lebih lambat dibanding negera-negara yang sama-sama mengalami krisis.

Akhirnya, terasa juga sebagai bangsa yang kurang menghargai budaya sendiri adalah bangsa yang rapuh, tak memiliki jati diri, gampang goyah. Beberapa waktu lalu sering dilecehkan bangsa lain.

Sungguh miris, kalau dalang (mudal piwulang) yang dihormati dan disegani beralih profesi menjadi petani, atau blantik. Inilah dampak kurangnya kepedulian kita atas kesenian tradisional yang sarat nilai- nilai filosofis, seperti sering diuraikan oleh para dalang. Pelestarian kesenian tradisional harus dimulai dari kepedulian para pemimpin.

Belajar Otonomi Kepada Lembata
MASA sembilan tahun bukan masa pendek bagi Kabupaten Lembata untuk tumbuh sebagai kabupaten mandiri. Setelah bekerja keras, sejak lepas dari kabupaten induk, Flores Timur, pada 1999, Lembata terus berubah dan berbenah.

Departemen Dalam Negeri (Depdagri) menilai Lembata berhasil melaksanakan otonomi daerah dengan tren kemajuan yang signifikan. Lembata merupakan salah satu dari tujuh kabupaten pemekaran periode 1999-2003 di Indonesia yang dievaluasi oleh Depdagri.

Kepada pers, beberapa waktu lalu, Bupati Lembata Drs. Andreas Duli Manuk menjelaskan, penilaian keberhasilan itu meliputi aspek laporan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah (LPPD), laporan kinerja instansi pemerintah daerah (Lakip), dan laporan keterangan pertanggungjawaban (LKPJ) menyangkut pertanggungjawaban pengelolaan keuangan daerah.

"Tiga jenis pelaporan itu kami selesaikan tepat waktu. Penilaian LKPJ didasarkan pada hasil audit keuangan Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) yang dilakukan secara periodik dan tepat waktu. Kriteria-kriterai inilah yang kita penuhi sehingga Lembata lolos dalam penilaian Depdagri," katanya.

Menyinggung tren kemajuan, Bupati mengatakan, hal itu itu terlihat pada pendapatan asli daerah yang cenderung naik. PAD Lembata tahun pertama (2000), dalam setahun pemekaran sebagai daerah otonom, hanya Rp 500 juta lebih. Tujuh tahun kemudian atau pada 2007, PAD Lembata meningkat mendekati angka Rp 10 miliar, dan pada 2008 ini mencapai angka Rp 11 miliar. "Setiap tahun terjadi kenaikan PAD yang sangat signifikan. Sumbangan pendapatan paling dominan
berasal dari bahan galian golongan C," katanya.

Aspek lain, kata bupati, adalah pengelolaan pajak bumi dan bangunan (PBB). Setiap tahun anggaran. Lembata selalu melampaui target dan memperoleh dana insentif pemerintah pusat.

Pada aspek pertumbuhan ekonomi. Lembata memperlihatkan tren meningkat setiap tahun. Untuk menggenjot pendapatan daerah, program prioritas pada lima tahun kedua masa pemerintahannya adalah menggalakkan investasi dacrtih pertambangan, perikanan, dan kelautan.

Kepatuhan Lembata dalam pengelolaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD), pemerintah daerah, dan DPRD, jelas Bupati Manuk, sangat tertib dalam mengikuti jadwal yang ditetapkan pemerintah pusat.

Payung Hukum
Kelahiran Lembata mengacu kepada UU No 52/1999 tentang Pembentukan Kabupaten Lembata. Secara geografis, sesuai pasal 3, Kabupaten Lembata berasal dari sebagian wilayah Kabupaten FIores Timur yang terdiri atas wilayah Kecamatan Bayusari, Omesuri, Lebatukan, Ile Ape, Nubatukan, Atadei, dan Nagawatun.

Sedangkan pasal 5 menguraikan batas wilayah Lembata. Di sebelah utara, kabupaten ini dibatasi Laut Floree, sebelah timur dengan Selat Alor, sebelah selatan dengan Laut Sawu dan sebelah barat dengan Selat Boleng dan Selat Lamakera.

Secara astronomis Lembata terletak pada posisi: 810 - 811 LS dan 12312 - 12357 BT. Iklim di Lembata tergolong kering dengan curah hujan rata-rata 001,95 mm pertahun atau 230 mm tertinggi pada Bulan Maret dan 14 mm terendah pada Bulan Mei. Suhu udara rata-rata 26C - 29C dengan suhu minimum dan maksimum berkisar antara 23C - 30C. Sedangkan kecepatan angin tergolong rendah rata-rata hanya 8,4 knot/jam. (tim bentara)

Menang Perkara Tanah, Leher Ahad Nyaris Putus, 19 Oktober 2010 | 08:37 WIB

LEWOLEBA, POS KUPANG. com -- Ahmad Ledo alias Ahad (38) baru saja menerima putusan menang perkara tanah dari Mahkamah Agung (MA), Sabtu (16/10/2010). Keesokannya, Minggu (17/10/2010) malam, pria itu ditemukan tewas dengan leher nyaris putus di depan rumahnya di Lewoleba.

Beberapa saat setelah kejadian menggemparkan itu, Goris Labi Witin (48) menyerahkan diri ke polisi dengan membawa parang yang masih berlumuran darah. Belakangan diketahui bahwa korban dan Goris Witin berebut tanah warisan.

Tanah warisan yang diperebutkan itu milik Maria Peni dan Leo Ledo, keduanya sudah meninggal dunia. Korban yang adalah anak angkat menerima wasiat untuk mewarisi tanah dan rumah yang kini ditempatinya, serta dua petak sawah.

Meski bukan dari garis keturunan Ledo, korban Ahad yang sudah mengabdikan diri kepada Peni dan Ledo selama puluhan tahun, sudah menggunakan nama Ledo sejak jadi anak angkat pasangan Peni-Ledo.

Setelah suami isteri yang tidak dikaruniai anak itu meninggal dunia (2001 dan 2002), tanah dan rumah yang diwariskan kepada Ahad mulai digugat oleh Goris Labi Witin, pihak yang mengaku sebagai yang paling berhak mewarisi tanah, rumah dan petak sawah peninggalan keluarga Ledo. Perkara berlanjut sampai MA dan hari Sabtu, pekan lalu, korban Ahad menerima salinan putusan MA yang memutuskan pihaknya yang menang perkara.

Informasi yang dihimpun Pos Kupang menyebutkan, pada hari Minggu (17/10/2010) malam, sempat terjadi pertengkaran mulut antara korban Ahad dan Goris Witin. Korban Ahad sempat mengatakan bahwa pihaknya sudah menang perkara di MA dan Goris harus membayar ganti rugi uang satu miliar rupiah. "Saya sudah menang dan kau (Goris Witin, Red) harus bayar denda kepada saya," tutur sumber Pos Kupang menirunkan ucapan korban Ahad.

Diduga Goris marah dan kembali ke rumahnya mengambil parang dan menebas leher korban Ahad. Korban yang tidak memegang apa-apa langsung tewas meregang nyawa di lokasi kejadian, yakni di depan rumahnya di Kelurahan Lewoleba Utara. Korban meninggal dunia akibat luka bacok di leher dan kepala.

Tetangga korban, Andreas Bala, yang ditemui di rumah korban, mengatakan, tanah yang disengketakan antara korban dan pelaku adalah tanah milik Peni-Ledo yang kemudian diwariskan kepada korban. Tanah yang disengketakan itu adalah dua petak sawah dengan luas sekitar 50 x 50 meter2 dan 50 x 75m2. Ditambah tanah dan rumah yang saat ini ditempati korban dan istrinya.

"Tanah itu ada dua dan satunya selama ini masih dikelola oleh Goris. Dan karena sekarang Ahad sudah menang, jadi Goris harus bayar denda kepada Ahad," urai Bala.

Informasi lainnya menyebutkan bahwa sebelum peristiwa naas ini, korban yang adalah PNS di Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan (DKP) Kabupaten Lembata itu, pada sore hari, sempat membawa surat putusan MA untuk menemui pengacaranya, Stanis Kapo, SH. Setelah itu korban kembali ke rumahnya dan masih sempat minum kopi. Setelah itu pada malam hari dia keluar rumah dan ditemukan telah menjadi mayat di depan rumahnya sendiri. Korban meninggalkan seorang istri yang kini sedang hamil muda.

Sementara itu, usai menghabisi korban, Goris menyerahkan diri kepada salah seorang anggota Polres Lembata yang tinggal tidak jauh dari lokasi kejadian. "Dia (Goris) serahkan diri ke saya masih bawa parang yang penuh darah. Semula saya tidak percaya, namun setelah mendengar suara tangisan, saya langsung bawa dia ke Polres karena takut adanya serangan balik," jelas anggota Polres yang tidak ingin namanya dikorankan.

Pada malam kejadian, meski sudah agak larut, warga memadati lokasi kejadian. Di tempat korban dibunuh, terlihat ceceran darah segar yang sudah ditutup dengan kain sarung. Tampak beberapa lilin dinyalakan di tempat itu.

Kapolres Lembata, AKBP Marthin Johannes, S.H, ikut turun meninjau langsung lokasi kejadian bersama Kasat Intelkam, AKP Aduard Leneng dan sejumlah anggotanya. Polisi sempat memasang police line, namun setelah pengambilan data awal oleh polisi, kemudian dibuka, lokasi pembunuhan berada di jalan raya Lewoleba-Wulandoni.

Kapolres Johannes mengatakan, motif pembunuhan tersebut karena masalah tanah. Dia berharap ada saksi-saksi yang dapat melihat langsung peristiwa ini agar polisi tidak terlalu sulit mengungkap kasus ini.

"Memang sudah larut malam, dan sepi. Tetapi karena sempat terdengar perdebatan, sehingga mudah-mudahan nanti ada saksi mata sehingga prosesnya bisa lebih mudah dan cepat selesai, untuk memberikan rasa keadilan bagi masyarakat, dan khususnya keluarga," jelas Johannes. (bb)